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Parkruns are free, weekly, timed, community events that take place all over the world. Every Saturday morning around the globe members of the running community meet up in local parks and participate in a 5k together, the event is completely inclusive, it doesn't matter if you run, walk, roll or skip, all that matters is taking part.
Starting and finishing in the walled garden by the Oriam sports centre, this is an out and back route along a mostly woodland path around the perimeter of the University grounds. The event is timed and participants are able to check online to monitor weekly progress or compare themselves to others.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, sign up bellow
Do you want to be kept in the loop about all things Oriam Parkrun, follow the Oriam Parkrun Facebook page for all information on the event.
Do you want to get involved in running but don't know where to start, Oriam have a free Couch to 5k programme available to help beginners reach 5k.