Join us for a 'Journey to the Podium'

13th - 17th May 2024

This year we are building up to a summer packed with some of the best sporting events in the world with top athletes now training for those elusive podium places! For our Athletes and their Support Staff, Clean Sport Guidance becomes part of daily life, influencing their decisions on training and nutrition, 365 days a year. 

Find out more about the ongoing research and application of the UKAD Clean Sport guidance as our athletes and support staff prepare their 'Journey to the Podium'. 

Meet the Experts

Join us in our Clean Sport Week Seminar

Clean Sport Week

Join us at Oriam for a two-part seminar on Wednesday 15th May from 5:30pm. Join Dr. Fergus Guppy, Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Science and Clean Sport Lead for Heriot-Watt University, and Vicky Ward, one of our expert Sport Scientists, to learn more about the ongoing research and real-life application of Clean Sport in the 'Journey to the Podium'. 

The Research

more details coming soon

Clean Sport Week

The world of Elite Sports is constantly evolving, athletes constantly pushing the boundaries, setting records and challenging what we previously understood about the limits of the human body. The competitive nature of sports also leads to athletes trying to find that extra edge over their competitors. 
As the sports constantly evolve, so does the research into potential doping methods, their impact on performance and methods for testing against them. At Heriot-Watt, our programme leaders like Dr. Fergus Guppy are continuing this research, alongside the Sport and Exercise Science students. Find out more about the Sport and Exercise Science programme here. 

The Athletes

more details coming soon

Clean Sport Week

At Oriam, we support many athletes across a wide range of sports and disciplines and it is great to welcome them all to our facilities to train. For athletes, training and competing with integrity often becomes part of daily life, influencing their decisions on the nutrition, health care and training. 

Clean Sport guidance and Anti-doping regulations are there to maintain a fair and level field of competition, aiming to ensure that competitors performances can be celebrated as genuine feats of natural human athleticism. 

Our Sport Scholarship Athletes receive expert support from our Performance Sport team to guide them through their decision process for their own nutrition and training plans to help them maintain clean sport integrity. 

The Support Staff

more details coming soon

Clean Sport Week

Often Anti-Doping and Clean Sport hits the headlines in relation to athletes but many of the regulations also apply to the support staff for a team or individual athlete. The surrounding team for an athlete play a big role in ensuring their athletes train and compete with integrity.

More Resources

Find out more about Clean Sport

If you would like to know more about the facts and guidance for clean sport check out some of the useful links below!

UKAD Anti-Doping Violations and Prohibited list – Website here
WADA Prohibited Substance and Method list – Website here
Global DRO – Website here
Therapeutic Use Exemptions – Website here

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