Sports Union Events Calendar 

Watt's On and Highlights for 24/25

Heriot-Watt Sports Union is more than just Sports Training and Competition, there is a packed social calendar for clubs and the Sports Union as a whole. Read on for a few highlights for the 24/25 academic year. 

Second Semester

January - May 2025


Three student stood posing on the running trail at HWU Edinburgh Campus. All wearing white t-shirts covered in colourful powder.
Thursday 13th March 2025 | Oriam

Active Wellbeing invite all Heriot-Watt Staff and Students to join them in celebrating Holi festival with a fun 5k colour run. Explore campus, get moving at your own pace and have a lot of fun.


Watt Fest in navy text on white background square. Festival scene in the background with flared light spots in rainbow colours.
Thursday 13th March 2025 | Oriam

Taking place on Thursday 13 March from 5:30-10pm in the Walled Garden at Oriam, Watt Fest is open to all our HWU community to attend. 

Alongside a very special headline act performance from â€˜Definitely Mightbe’, we are also welcoming performances from our talented staff and students.  Complete this short form to show your interest in performing.

If you're attending the event, make sure to bring a raincoat and some welly boots so you're prepared for the mud and messiness of a Scottish festival. 

Blues Awards Ball

Blue circle in centre of image with Heriot-Watt Sports union logo and 'Blues Awards' in white text. gold stars scattered around edge of circle.
 Heriot-Watt Edinburgh Campus

This is your chance to experience a proper Scottish ceilidh at an iconic Edinburgh venue. The annual Sports Union Ceilidh is the first big event in the Sports Union Calendar, a great evening with live music, a few ceilidh dances and a fun club Dance-Off. If you've never been to a ceilidh before don't worry, the band will guide you through the steps. 

Sports Union Members enjoy Early Bird ticket access and discount on General Sale ticket prices so it's well worth getting your Oriam and Sports Union Memberships sorted before the Ceilidh. 

Student Elections

March 2025 | Heriot-Watt Edinburgh Campus

The Sports Union and it's clubs are primarily run by volunteer students. Every year the Sports Union members nominate and vote for the club committees and the Sports Union executive team, including the Sports Union President! 

Watt Cup

Watt Cup Promotional image. White Wolf profile outline above yellow text 'Watt Cup' followed by 'Blue vs Yellow' in white text below.
26th March 2025 | Oriam and External Sports Venues

Who will you support in this annual inter-club showdown? Team Yellow or Team Blue? Clubs across the sports union divide into team blue and yellow to compete head to head. Join us at Oriam and other venues across the city to support the clubs and celebrate one of the final events of this year's Sports Union calendar. 

Sports Ball

Overhead view of Heriot-Watt Sports Union Ball. Large conference room filled with circular dining tables with students dressed in formal evening wear.
Friday 21st February 2025 | EICC

This is your chance to experience a proper Scottish ceilidh at an iconic Edinburgh venue. The annual Sports Union Ceilidh is the first big event in the Sports Union Calendar, a great evening with live music, a few ceilidh dances and a fun club Dance-Off. If you've never been to a ceilidh before don't worry, the band will guide you through the steps. 

Sports Union Members enjoy Early Bird ticket access and discount on General Sale ticket prices so it's well worth getting your Oriam and Sports Union Memberships sorted before the Ceilidh. 

First Semester

September - December 2024

Santa Dash

Wednesday 27th November 2024 |
Heriot-Watt Edinburgh Campus

This is your chance to experience a proper Scottish ceilidh at an iconic Edinburgh venue. The annual Sports Union Ceilidh is the first big event in the Sports Union Calendar, a great evening with live music, a few ceilidh dances and a fun club Dance-Off. If you've never been to a ceilidh before don't worry, the band will guide you through the steps. 

Sports Union Members enjoy Early Bird ticket access and discount on General Sale ticket prices so it's well worth getting your Oriam and Sports Union Memberships sorted before the Ceilidh. 

Strictly Come Dancing

4 dancers wearing red tops and black shorts on stage. blue and pink lighting.
Wednesday 13th November 2024 | Liquid Rooms Edinburgh

This is your chance to experience a proper Scottish ceilidh at an iconic Edinburgh venue. The annual Sports Union Ceilidh is the first big event in the Sports Union Calendar, a great evening with live music, a few ceilidh dances and a fun club Dance-Off. If you've never been to a ceilidh before don't worry, the band will guide you through the steps. 

Sports Union Members enjoy Early Bird ticket access and discount on General Sale ticket prices so it's well worth getting your Oriam and Sports Union Memberships sorted before the Ceilidh. 

Big Scottish Ceilidh

Two male students in middle of dance floor doing synchronised dance.
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 | Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

This is your chance to experience a proper Scottish ceilidh at an iconic Edinburgh venue. The annual Sports Union Ceilidh is the first big event in the Sports Union Calendar, a great evening with live music, a few ceilidh dances and a fun club Dance-Off. If you've never been to a ceilidh before don't worry, the band will guide you through the steps. 

Sports Union Members enjoy Early Bird ticket access and discount on General Sale ticket prices so it's well worth getting your Oriam and Sports Union Memberships sorted before the Ceilidh. 

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