Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test


1.5 Hrs

A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) offers a comprehensive screening of heart and lung function. CPET assesses the cause of exercise-limitations (i.e., chest pain, breathlessness) which may aid in diagnosis and treatment of cardiac, pulmonary, or musculoskeletal conditions.

A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) offers a comprehensive screening of heart and lung function, both at rest and under the stress of exercise. The CPET is most commonly conducted on a static bicycle, whereby intensity is gradually and uniformly increased until the limit of tolerance is met, lasting approximately 8-12 minutes. Alternatively, stress testing can be completed on a treadmill, if requested. 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure assessment is conducted at rest and during exercise to ensure the safety of testing protocols, alongside the capture of inspired and expired air, gaseous exchange, pulse oximetry, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Thereby, you will receive data on your cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2MAX), metabolic thresholds, oxygen carrying capacity, cardiac and pulmonary function.

CPET assesses the cause of exercise-limitations (i.e., chest pain, breathlessness) which may aid in diagnosis and treatment of cardiac, pulmonary, or musculoskeletal conditions. A certified clinical exercise physiologist will interpret your results, delivering both a verbal overview and a detailed written headed-letter report supplemented by comparisons to normative data, graphical illustrations, and ECG printouts. Where applicable, personalised, evidence-based recommendations will be provided with respect to optimising individualised exercise training programmes to improve exercise tolerance and reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms. Furthermore, CPET data can be used for official health evaluations, such as for professional licensing (e.g., for HGV or taxi drivers per DVLA standards) or medical clearances for participation in competitive or recreational sporting events.