Includes: Cardiovascular disease risk assessment, spirometry, resting ECG, bioelectrical impedance analysis, resting metabolic rate test, cardiopulmonary exercise test.
The complete health package includes all of the benefits of the core health package with the addition of the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) to investigate cardiac and pulmonary health under the stress of exercise. The inclusion of the CPET makes this package an ideal screening service for athletes looking for peace-of-mind, as well as individuals who are experiencing symptoms of ill-health when exerting themselves physically. Test data will be interpreted by a certified clinical physiologist and feedback provided in an individually tailored report. Where appropriate, the identification of risk factors for cardiometabolic disease will be accompanied by evidence-based guidance, empowering you to make informed decisions towards improving your overall health and wellbeing. For accurate test results, you will be required to arrive following an 8-10 hour fast, preferably without any strenuous activity for the past 24 hours. As standard, tests are conducted in one appointment, but may be separated to different booking slots if preferred.
Complete Health Package Includes
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment
You will be provided with QRISK 3 calculation scores, which provide estimations of your risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk over a 10-year span and an estimated heart age. Reporting of QRISK3 is highly valued in medical practice, including GPs at UK National Health Service screenings – read more about the QRISK3 calculations here: QRISK3. The test procedures will include the measurement of height, weight, blood pressure and a fasting fingertip blood sample to determine glucose and cholesterol profiles. We will also conduct health screening questionnaires to identify familial history of CVD and any known medical conditions and prescribed medications. For accurate test results, you will be required to arrive following an 8-10 hour fast.
Spirometry Lung Function Test
A simple, non-invasive test to identify your lung function and detect pulmonary diseases such as asthma and other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). During the test, you’ll breathe deeply and forcefully into a mouthpiece connected to a spirometer, which records the volume of air being inspired and expired. We will report your forced vital capacity (FVC), which identifies the total amount of air that can be inspired and expired by your lungs and capture the maximal volume of air you can exhale in one-second (FEV1). Data collected will be compared to age, sex and height normative values and explained to you in a comprehensive written report. The test may also be performed both before and after the administration of your prescribed bronchodilator to detect the level of improvement achieved through current medication use.
Resting ECG Test
An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart, detecting abnormalities in rate or rhythm. During the test, you will lay supine on a medical bed, resting for 10-15 minutes whilst an ECG analyser records the signals from electrodes placed across your chest. You will receive multiple 12-second recordings of your ECG traces, with any abnormalities highlighted and explained verbally to you by a certified clinical physiologist. This test may help uncover the mystery behind recent symptoms of ill health (i.e., light-headedness, palpitations, chest pains), and may serve as a peace-of-mind screening for otherwise healthy individuals interested in their sporting and exercise goals, such as training for a marathon.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) involves the passing of a low-voltage electrical current through the body to provide measures of fat mass, lean mass and body water. BIA devices are commonly available in commercial equipment; however, their accuracy remains poor due to limitations and lack of calibration. We offer measurements with the SECA mBCA 515, a research-grade device that has been validated in peer-reviewed research to provide highly accurate results, in line with those from gold standard, reference techniques such as DEXA scans. In brief, the SECA mBCA is the ideal tool for the measurement of body composition, including visceral and whole-body fat tissue, lean muscle mass, body water, and phase angle, a marker of nutritional and inflammatory status of the cells.
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test
A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) offers a comprehensive screening of heart and lung function, both at rest and under the stress of exercise. The CPET is most commonly conducted on a static bicycle, whereby intensity is gradually and uniformly increased until the limit of tolerance is met, lasting approximately 8-12 minutes. Alternatively, stress testing can be completed on a treadmill, if requested. 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure assessment is conducted at rest and during exercise to ensure the safety of testing protocols, alongside the capture of inspired and expired air, gaseous exchange, pulse oximetry, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Thereby, you will receive data on your cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2MAX), metabolic thresholds, oxygen carrying capacity, cardiac and pulmonary function.
CPET assesses the cause of exercise-limitations (i.e., chest pain, breathlessness) which may aid in diagnosis and treatment of cardiac, pulmonary, or musculoskeletal conditions. A certified clinical exercise physiologist will interpret your results, delivering both a verbal overview and a detailed written headed-letter report supplemented by comparisons to normative data, graphical illustrations, and ECG printouts. Where applicable, personalised, evidence-based recommendations will be provided with respect to optimising individualised exercise training programmes to improve exercise tolerance and reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms. Furthermore, CPET data can be used for official health evaluations, such as for professional licensing (e.g., for HGV or taxi drivers per DVLA standards) or medical clearances for participation in competitive or recreational sporting events.
Resting Metabolic Rate Test
The resting metabolic rate (RMR) test assesses the amount of energy, measured in calories, that is expended during restful activity via the measurement of inspired and expired air. Measurement of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production can inform your base daily caloric demands before physical activity energy expenditure are taken into account. Our nutrition professionals will conduct a questionnaire-based consultation to determine daily physical activity levels to ensure an accurate estimation of your dietary requirements for achieving favourable body composition or cardiometabolic health changes. The test procedures require a 20-minute rest on a medical bed whilst breath-by-breath values are collected via a face mask and metabolic analyser. For accurate test results, you will be required to arrive following an 8-10 hour fast, preferably without any strenuous activity for the past 24 hours.