Lactate Threshold Test


60 mins

Lactate Threshold Test is a submaximal exercise test that provides a wealth of high-quality data to inform your endurance performance and training. Similar to the VO2MAX test, exercise can be conducted on a range of exercise equipment, with metabolic, heart rate and ventilatory data collected using research-grade equipment to deliver you reliable data to support your training and competition. The advantages of a lactate threshold include a longer test duration, including 4-minute stages before stepwise increases in intensity, as well as the direct measures of blood lactate, revealing distinct metabolic thresholds and exercise training zones with a higher degree of accuracy.

This is a submaximal exercise test that provides a wealth of high-quality data to inform your endurance performance and training. Similar to the VO2MAX test, exercise can be conducted on a range of exercise equipment, with metabolic, heart rate and ventilatory data collected using research-grade equipment to deliver you reliable data to support your training and competition.

The advantages of a lactate threshold include a longer test duration, including 4-minute stages before stepwise increases in intensity, as well as the direct measures of blood lactate, revealing distinct metabolic thresholds and exercise training zones with a higher degree of accuracy. Individualised training zones are more representative of steady-state exercise than with a VO2MAX test, making them more suitable for longer distance runners and more able to detect changes from pre- and post-intervention, such as training blocks.

Data will be reported clearly in written format with detailed graphical illustrations and comparisons to normative datasets. Bespoke reports will provide evidence-based guidance for optimising your training and preparation for upcoming competitions and events. Â