Resting Metabolic Rate Test


1 Hr

The resting metabolic rate (RMR) test assesses the amount of energy, measured in calories, that is expended during restful activity via the measurement of inspired and expired air. Measurement of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production can inform your base daily caloric demands before physical activity energy expenditure are taken into account.

The resting metabolic rate (RMR) test assesses the amount of energy, measured in calories, that is expended during restful activity via the measurement of inspired and expired air. Measurement of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production can inform your base daily caloric demands before physical activity energy expenditure are taken into account. Our nutrition professionals will conduct a questionnaire-based consultation to determine daily physical activity levels to ensure an accurate estimation of your dietary requirements for achieving favourable body composition or cardiometabolic health changes. The test procedures require a 20-minute rest on a medical bed whilst breath-by-breath values are collected via a face mask and metabolic analyser. For accurate test results, you will be required to arrive following an 8-10 hour fast, preferably without any strenuous activity for the past 24 hours.