What’s On – June

Welcome to the June edition of What's On at Oriam. We have a summer full of sport for you to enjoy this month! Don't go anywhere, we have

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Celebrating Excellence: Heriot-Watt Sport Scholarships Round Up 2024

 As another academic year draws to a close, we reflect on the remarkable achievements of our student-athletes on Heriot-Watt University’s Sport Scholarship Programme. These young talents have not

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Fitness Suite Induction

Get your fitness journey at Oriam off to the best possible start, with a Fitness Suite Induction.If you're looking for support or need any help getting to grips

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Body Types – Training For Your Body

 Training For Your Body TypeThere’s plenty of variations and without delving too deep, we’ll simplify it into three categories. Cardiovascular Strength HypertrophyYou’d be right to think training can be

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3 Unexpected Benefits Resistance Training

People join the gym for variety different reasons, from getting more fit and active, to building strength and endurance, all which can be achieved through resistance training. Resistance training

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International Women’s Day 2024

Empowering Women Through Sport: Celebrating International Women's DayAs we approach International Women's Day, it's important to reflect on the incredible strides women have made in the world of

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Achieving Consistency Beyond January’s Gym Resolutions

Achieving Consistency in the GymIn this discourse, let's delve into the steadfast pursuit of fitness, especially as the January fervour starts to wane. Maintaining that heightened dedication amidst

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What Is Oriam Youth Development Programme?

As the prominence of resistance training in children and adolescents increases, understanding and prioritising the many aspects of youth physical development becomes paramount. It is important there are

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Everything You Need to Know About Foam Rollers

To Roll or Knot to Roll? Everything You Knead to Know About Foam Rollers.If you’ve been training for any length of time, then there is a good chance

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Winter Training Tips

In this month’s blog, we explore the impact of seasonal changes on fitness and discover effective strategies to overcome challenges to help ensure you stay on track and

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